Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Big Brother's Graduation Ceremony 2007

Male black swan...try to search a perfect wife.

Along the way from Sydney to Canberra. You can see the landscape. So big and so peaceful. I love it.

First day arrival. A picnic time like Australian people.

End of the trip, my dad holds Leo in his hand. Leo was very happy at that time.

Opening the ceremony by Australian's national song.

Another closer look for ANU's symbol. Please do not ask me about what that latin means. Sorry!

So, after I received a phone call from my bros and sis-in-law from Australia about how nice my blog is....then it inspires me a lot to keep it up-to-date.

At least I would love this blog to unite our family together. What we did and shared these pictures together.

This is ANU's graduation hall. Just to let you know how it looks like.

With his supervisor who coached my brother along the way.

Please focus on a Koala's doll. From my aunt to my brother, the cute thing is that this Koala wears the same coat like my brother. So cute!

With his university's vice chancellor.

Wacth out!!! Ducks walk way on the university's road.

P'Toh and P'Wan. So cute together.

My brother with my dad who always next to him when he has his hard time. I believe this is a very proud moment we have.

Here is the team from Thailand. From left to right, my aunt (yee-kow), my mom, my sweet new PhD graduant and my daddy.

Hey, Professor Toh, you always make your face like this. This is so funny picture!